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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Beginning

So it Begins

Glancing across the room it occurred to me that I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when this gorgeous hunk of a man became the center of my world. As I stole the look, he caught my eye and gave me a private half-wink that set my heart soaring. 

You have to understand, this is not me. I don't date hot men. Definitely not hot and caring men. You and I know they don't exist. These are creatures that prance between the pages of romance novels. Not that you or I would know anything about those kinds of books because we don't waste our time on trash like that. Why waste time dreaming about knights in shining armor rescuing damsels in distress? Yet there he was, a red-blooded, stop-the-traffic, gentle-hearted giant who didn't hesitate to profess his love. 

"Right, shall we start from the beginning?"

It was our girl Rosie's birthday and we had gone all out. Dressed to kill, pumped up on good vibes, giddy and giggly, ready for a fun girl's night out. We were so immersed in our own antics, the rest of the world was just the background. Dragon's Nook was alive and I swear the DJ had tapped into our playlist. The drinks kept flowing, the dancing heating up as we kept edging out men who tried to get in.

"You know how that goes, yeah?"

Inevitably that moment came when I had to go. We usually hit the little girl's room together but this time I had to venture on my own. So I motioned the girls and strutted somewhat unsteadily past the bar.

"Yes, I'm using strutted a little liberally,"

There he was, leaning casually against the bar. Tall, broad-shouldered, chocolate colored absolutely devastatingly handsome man. My heart stopped for a second as our eyes met and I drew in a steadying breath. I thought for a fleeting second how great it would be to actually be approached by such a fine specimen but as I brushed past him, I already knew he was way out of my league. It didn't stop me from walking past him again on my way back.

"After all, someone has to appreciate God's handiwork. I'm I right?"

I promise that it was completely an accident that I stumbled against him. I know you won't believe it, especially because, if I was honest, I was a little desperate. Well, just a little more than desperate. In this case, I'm pretty sure someone bumped into me or something. Nonetheless, I found myself leaning against him with his hands steadying me. Those big, strong hands. They belonged to a being that was no stranger to the gym. I started to apologize, blushing hard as I straightened up. I was not surprised that he was polite and distant as he helped me and excused himself, effectively dismissing me. 

"What is a girl to do?"

I walked back to my girls and rejoined the happy chatter while my insides shriveled up slowly. What was I expecting anyway? A guy like that would never be interested in a plain, simple girl like me. Thankfully, I had gotten back just in time for jagger shots which I downed quickly and gratefully. Gradually, I got back into the party mood and was finally in my groove when he stepped up into our space. I couldn't make out what he was saying because he leaned in and whispered to Rosie who was too far for me to hear. I wouldn't want to admit it but it made perfect sense. There is one word to describe my girl Rosie, Bombshell. She's that girl the boys are usually falling over to get her attention. I leaned into the ongoing chatter, swaying along to the music as the now long night began. 

Chris turned out to be a brilliant dancer, charming in every way. He danced with all of us, winning us over with some funny dance moves that had us howling with laughter. To be fair, the drinks may have had more to do with the laughter.

"I swear the world came to a standstill when he danced with me."

 His cologne woke every sense in my body. We swayed to the rhythm as I got lost in his eyes and just as I was moving closer to him, the moment ended snapping me rudely back to reality. Realizing that I was dreaming something that couldn't be, I switched back in my lane and focused on having fun till it was time to bid our goodbyes. One by one we hugged Chris goodbye and as I breathed in that warm sandalwood scent, I wondered what it would be like to be leaving with a man like that.

"What does sandalwood even smell like?"
